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Dates to Remember:

August 6, 2000 - Picnic

This year the Sociedad Medica Dominicana will have our annual picnic at the Champion Picnic Resort in New City, New York. The Invitations have already been sent. If you need any further information please contact us.

September 10, 2000 - 11th. Symposium Medicine 2000

This scientific event will take place at the New York Marriott East Side, located at Lexinton Ave. and 48th street. For further information contact the symposium coordinator, Dr. N. Blonda-Gil.

Symposium History

The first symposium was celebrated on September 16, 1990. Dr. Rafael Lantigua envisioned an event in which the members of the society would gather to lecture and discuss medical topics of interest to everyone. He gave his idea to the incumbent president, Dr. Bienvenido Duarte, who liked the idea. Dr. Duarte commissioned Dr. Sofia De La Cruz to coordinate the "Firts Annual Symposium of Medicine 1990". Together with Dr. S De La Cruz and Dr. R. Lantigua, were Dr. Marcos Charles, Dr. Bienvenido Duarte and Dr. Edgar Rojas, who all formed the first symposium committee that set the base for all future symposiums.

The symposium is a full day educational event, in which the participants recieve CME credits for their participation. This year's event, our 11th annual symposium is being sponsored by the Medical Society Of The State Of New York. For the first time, this year's symposium will have a dental session. Our speakers are members of the society, guest speakers from the U.S. and international have all been lecturers in the ten prior events that we have done.

Send mail to hwasp@aol.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: June 29, 2000